Pri HaEmek – Bounty of the Valley CSA
Member Registration Form
The Hazon Community-Supported Agriculture Project at Poughkeepsie, NY with Lineage Farm
Member Information:
Name: _____________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
City: ________________________ State: _____ Zip: ________
Day Phone: ____________ Evening Phone: ____________ Cell Phone: ____________
Email: ____________________________________
How did you hear about us?_______________________________________
Member Commitment
I (we),_______________________, commit to membership in the Pri HaEmek – Bounty of the Valley CSA of Poughkeepsie, NY with Lineage Farm. As a member, I commit myself to supporting the farm with timely payments. In addition, I commit to pick up my weekly delivery in Poughkeepsie on Thursdays. This day will be changed when a Jewish holiday falls on a Thursday. I understand that if I do not pick up my share it will be donated to an emergency food provider. As part of my membership I also agree to volunteer a minimum of three hours (per household) during the CSA season. This includes setup or cleanup and working at the distribution, or bringing leftovers to the Lunchbox. For those unable to work at the distribution, other volunteer options can be arranged.
The CSA Share
As a member of the CSA, I will receive one of the following each week: a full share consisting of 10 different vegetables, a medium share consisting of 7 different vegetables, or a small share consisting of 5 different vegetables. The shares will vary in size and weight depending on the time of the season and weather conditions. One aspect of CSA is that members support their farmer by sharing in the inherent risks of agriculture (poor weather, drought, disease, early frost, crop failure and so on) and rewards (the bounty from a good season) involved in farming. I understand this principle and agree that there is no guarantee on the exact amount or type of produce I will receive in my share.
By participating in the CSA, I am supporting the local farmers as well as more equitable food distribution, and helping to create a more environmentally just and healthy society.
I agree not to hold the Pri HaEmek – Bounty of the Valley CSA or Lineage Farm, Institutional Partner, or anyone acting on their behalf, including any agents, officers, volunteers, or employees, responsible for any damages resulting from injuries sustained as a result of any carelessness or negligence while engaged in any event or activity, including but not limited to the weekly distribution, farm visits, or any event or activity that is sponsored, held, or coordinated by the Pri HaEmek – Bounty of the Valley CSA, including any injuries sustained from any of the food produced by our farms.
I have read this agreement and agree to its terms.
Volunteer Interests (Check any areas you are interested in.)
____Programming ____Advertising ____ Working on the website
____Serving on the Committee (meets a few times a year)
Pri HaEmek – Bounty of the Valley Membership Contribution (required for
each shareholder, including each family splitting a share – tax-deductible) …………… $ 36
Indicate choice:
_____ Full CSA share - $510 (20 weeks) …………………………………………………… $_______
_____ Medium CSA share - $410 (20 weeks) ……………………………………………… $_______
_____Small CSA share - $310 (20 weeks) ………………………………………….……… $_______
Additional donations for tzedakah (tax-deductible)…………………………………………… $ _______
Total $ _______
Deposit of $100 plus the $36 membership is due when signing up.
Balance is due by May 26, 2017.
Make checks payable to Temple Beth-El--Bounty of the Valley and send to:
Debbie Most, 147 Bart Drive, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603